Sunday, 6 June 2010
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Thursday, 15 April 2010
更多德士司机 赚附加费 怡丰城搭客候车时间长了
更多德士司机 赚附加费 怡丰城搭客候车时间长了
● 林佩碧 洪于杰
林佩碧 洪于杰
为了避免太多德士司机集中在一个地方,康福德高表示会密切留意各个地点等候德士人龙的情况,并通过流动数据终端系统(Mobile Data Terminal)提供司机有关信息。
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Monday, 12 April 2010
Sunday, 4 April 2010
● 胡莉珊
Cab)司机把当局的热线号码存在手机内,遇到他认为能加以改善之处就随时拨打。他也以拍摄照片的方式记录路上所见,并自掏腰包冲洗 照片,再附上英文说
项建议都受当局认同。例如他在去年2月提议,在大巴窑2巷增设"港湾式"德士站,避免德士在原本已相当狭窄的马路停车载客,挡住其他 车辆,造成交通阻塞。
另外,冯标山也建议在进入加冷--巴耶利�高速公路(KPE)隧道之前的道路上设立至少两个警示牌,以便发生突发状况或交通阻塞时, 公路使用者可获得通知 后绕行。
冯标山昨晚在陆交局 于丽嘉登酒店举行的两年一度"陆路交通卓越奖"(LTA Excellence
颁奖仪式贵宾国务资政兼国家安全统筹部长贾古玛教授致词说,本地陆路交通未来须以公共交通为核心舞台,以应付尖峰时刻对交通的需求, 政府将在这方面大量
这是当局第二次颁发此类奖项,以表彰客户至上、注重环保、具创新精神以及在陆路交通的整体融合方面有优越表现的公司和个人。 共有16个企业及个人获奖。
除了"陆路交通之友奖"(Friend of Land Transport),其他奖项有"最佳设计"、"最富革新精神交通业伙伴(科技)"、最有利生态环境的交通机构等共12个奖项。
这届 卓越奖中的"最高荣誉特殊贡献奖"授给在2004年过世的林良玉。他曾经担任地铁局局长、新加坡地铁公司董事长、地铁公司副主席及顾问等职位,是为本地服 务长达40年之久的地铁系统元勋之一。林良玉也是抗日英雄林谋盛的长子,他的儿子昨天代为领奖。
Friday, 12 March 2010
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Are cabbies heading for casino?
Comfort is NOT a taxi company that provides taxi services
Comfort is just a car rental company, much like Avis or Hertz. Think
about it. The business model has changed
Those taxi drivers going around in Comfort cab are not employees of
Comfort. They are mere hirers, just like you and I hiring or renting a
rental vehicle....
The only difference is that the fleet of cars owned by Comfort has
been licenced by LTA to pick up passengers for a fee
You and I can rent a car to pick up passenger but cannot collect a
fare, just give our friends a lift
Posted by: newwhore at Thu Mar 04 07:59:09 SGT 2010
The biggest culprits for our public transport woes are Comfort Delgro
which owns SBS and Comfort, and LTA. Both are totally incompetent
organisations, the latter coddling the former in the name of
shareholders' interests.
Posted by: sghitchhiker at Thu Mar 04 07:52:06 SGT 2010
This has been a perennial problem
Years ago (say 20 years) before I owned a car, I need to use a few
phones to call the various taxi booking numbers concurrently to
increase my chance of getting one. Best if your phone is a speaker
phone with auto redial function
Posted by: newwhore at Thu Mar 04 07:35:22 SGT 2010
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Monday, 1 March 2010
STOMP: How can taxi fare for a journey to 3 places cost $43.80?
A STOMPer is appalled that the taxi fare for a journey from Clarke Quay to Chua Chu Kang to Boon Lay and lastly to Jurong West came up to $43.80.
In an email to STOMP today (Feb 28), the STOMPer says:
"A group of 4 of us took an SMRT cab from Clarke Quay to CCK Ave 3, Boon Lay and Jurong West St 81, and the fare was $43.80!
"We took it at 11.48pm. CBD area was $3, fare was $29.80 and midnight charge was $11.
"I can take a midnight cab from Jurong West St 81 to Changi and it only cost $40!
"This driver took 20 min to drive from CCK to Jurong area when it should have taken only 5 min.
"I've reported the case to SMRT. Wonder if they will really do anything about it at all.
"Please be warned."
5min is from taman jurong to jurong west/Jurong Point more likely....
Stomper, i fully believe the cost is correct for dropping @ 3 places as I've also took cab b4, plus there's 4 of u to split the fare, barely $10 odd, what's the big deal? If you find it too exp, maybe u all shld've took Nightrider bus.
so stomper tell me wat did u take that can reach CCK to Jurong area in 5 min? teleport?
"I can take a midnight cab from Jurong West St 81 to Changi and it only cost $40!
Take highway all the way of course can la.
"This driver took 20 min to drive from CCK to Jurong area when it should have taken only 5 min.
Unless he is speeding at 150km/h. Jurong to Clementi already 5 mins, you sure take only 5 mins to CCK?
You take the cab for so long, all the turns into carparks to drop off people, the traffic waiting time and distance no need to take into account? Unless the uncle keep taking detour then you have something to complain about. You want tua kang take taxi then come complain. Lol. CANNOT AFFORD TAKE TAXI DON'T TAKE.