Saturday, 28 November 2009
Thursday, 19 November 2009
cab Vomit Surcharge
这不叫罚。 因为病人也好,酒鬼也好,只要在德士车上吐,就已经给德士师傅带来了极大的不便,接下来他不但不能载客,反而还要花上好几个钟头来清洗车里的呕吐物,还要让车里的臭酸味慢慢消除,这段时间的损失谁要来负责。当然是那个吐在车上的人啦!
Posted by: 撞石草 on 19-11-09 12:36 AM
如果是病人呕吐, 也照样罚?
Posted by: YamPotato on 18-11-09 10:24 AM
吐的是洋酒(XO, Hennessy) - SGD 200 吐的是啤酒 - SGD 20 吐的是啤酒(还是冰的)- 喝回去算免费
Posted by: POPOWOO1 on 18-11-09 08:36 AM
当然合理啦 , 你吐了就下车睡觉 ,司机还要洗, 抹, 吹干, 免得留下臭味结果 是没有收入, 还多一份工. 附加费要$70/- 才够.
如果生病, 记得拿纸袋, 加上 , 上车时先'知会' 德士司机. 最后劝你一句 , 不会喝, 不要 '假利害' .
Posted by: 能死不能病 on 17-11-09 10:24 PM
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Friday, 13 November 2009
Thursday, 12 November 2009
Driven round the bend by cabby with poor English
Driven round the bend by cabby with poor English
LAST Thursday at about 9pm, my husband, who is from England, hailed a cab from our home in Segar Road, off Bukit Panjang Ring Road, to pick me up from the renal centre near Chinese Gardens.
He told the driver in clear English to take him to Chinese Gardens and the cabby said 'Chinee Gardens'. My husband corrected him umpteen times but the cabby kept repeating 'Chinee Gardens'. When the route he took was not familiar, my husband told him he had taken the wrong way, but the cabby insisted he was right.
They ended up at Changi Gardens. My husband was frustrated and upset, paid the cabby his fare and took another cab home as he could not reach the renal centre in time. Needless to say, our night did not end well.
Singapore has emphasised the need for workers to speak Mandarin so they can communicate with Mandarin-speaking clients. How about training people to speak clear and precise English so they can communicate with English-speaking clients, who make up the majority?
This is not our only experience with non-English-speaking people in the service industry. A female server at Haagen-Dazs in Holland Village once asked us to speak Mandarin. I have no problems if people want to speak Mandarin, but please do not behave as if other languages do not matter.
Rohaya Hamid-Douglas (Mrs)
How to prevent a 'gutter' taxi service
Updated 11:42 PM November 11, 2009
Taxi-drivers are self-employed, not salary-paid staff by any employer and therefore, they don't owe any commuter a living. If talking about commuter's rights, taxi-drivers also have their own rights as a self-boss, self-employed person. They can choose commuters and reject those who they think are suspicious and may rob them. Or reject those which are not along the same way as they are changing shifts or going home, so as to cut time loss and petrol cost. Blame the system of taxi-operators who does not want to hire drivers as salary staff. And pass the bulk of cost to the taxi-driver who in return, has the right to choose and pick commuters who directly affect their cost computation. By the way, I am not a taxi-driver.
Updated 11:01 AM November 11, 2009
woohoo~! it's time to kick some a-s-s! errant taxi drivers, beware! you WILL be reported, and your taxi driving licence "gan-dung", if you still continue to act "yaya papaya", or the next time, you refuse a customer for no valid reason. read between the lines of my three fingers! neh! :p we only want to keep good taxi drivers, not bad ones.