Thursday, 4 September 2008

Vary taxi fuel surcharge according to diesel price

下周六起 SMRT德士也收柴油附加费

Commuters stick with taxis on Day 1 of fuel surcharge

又三家德士公司 将收取柴油附加费

德士也要征收 柴油附加费?


Signs that put taxi drivers in bad light

Some ideas to enhance cabbie safety

刀匪抢女德士司机 拒捕被晕眩枪制伏

独行盗光天化日 持刀劫德士公司油站

Profits skid on high oil prices

Prime to roll out 20 petrol cabs

Good cabbies

Time to stop the diesel levy

Smart cabbies get CNG rebates

Rolling regally in ... here come Chrysler cabs



CBD 大路边严禁乘客上下车 - 宽限期已过正式执行

Need a taxi? Just call 6-DIAL-CAB

Free booking system can help cabbies cut needless cruising

Beijing cabby

Cops nab drunk car thief after chase

两德士和一脚踏车相撞 骑士和乘客受伤入院


It's business as usual despite diesel surcharge

3 德士公司也要收$0.30燃油附加费

Why does surcharge start halfway through journey?

GPS helps nab taxi robber

Why cruise empty, cabby?

No reduction in diesel prices becauses ...

After the switch, a shock - motorists at mercy of CNG suppliers

No one could stop first female cabby

Let's hand it to this patriotic taxi driver

Common booking number gives taxi-users extra option

Don't assult taxi drivers


Public wants map of city area surcharges

The monopoly of racial relations